Project Request Form Template

Quickly collect details on new projects and simplify project management.

Simplify your workflows

Effective project management starts with gathering key details on a project’s purpose, timeline, and resource requirements. Customize this project request form sample to gather all the information you need to make projects go smoothly. Then easily prioritize needs, create deadlines, and assign required tasks.

Customize to your needs

This request form is 100% customizable. Add your company’s branding, and tweak elements like fields, fonts, sections, and spacing. If you need to collect project-related documents, simply drag and drop a File Upload field to your form. Formstack accepts multiple file types, including Word docs, PDFs, images, and videos.

Share data with your team

Formstack’s Data Routing tool uses conditional logic to help you customize actions after a form is submitted. Pair this tool with your project request form template to easily route submission data to different people depending on the criteria you set. For example, project requests can be sent to different managers for review depending on the details of the project.

Streamline your workflow

Use this form template to eliminate messy email threads and create a seamless digital workflow for projects. With the Workflows tool, multiple team members can review, edit, and comment directly on the form. Collect feedback and iron out the details of a project sooner so your team can gather resources and get started faster.

Send information anywhere

Send project data to the apps you use every day. Formstack has over 200 integrations with apps like CRMs, email marketing platforms, cloud storage applications, and payment processors. Populate project details into Google Sheets, set up submission notifications in Slack, create new cards in Trello, and much more.

Formstack saves us tons of time on data entry and analysis and makes it simple for us to see, use, and share data across departments.
Lindsay Anderson
Project Manager at National Geographic Society

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